Pair of Kings

Pair of Kings reef
artificial reef, barge
( 132 ft )
Ann E. Clark Foundation,
Wednesday August 10, 2005 - Wildwood Artificial Reef
38°58.030' -74°41.050'
Pair of Kings reef

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barge beached
Notice the blocky shape and structure of this stranded but otherwise typical old wooden barge. Barges usually have minimal crews, to tend the lines.

A barge is a vessel that does not have its own means of propulsion ( usually. ) Barges are towed or pushed from place to place by tugboats, or anchored in place to serve as temporary work platforms, floating docks, or storage. Some barges are self-propelled, in a limited way. These are known as scows, and their limited propulsive power restricts them to protected waters without the assistance of a tugboat.

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