Bits of Ancient Village Hide in Murk

A team of archaeologists in scuba gear combs what was once dry land for pre-Lenape artifacts
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A Glittering Piece of History is Recovered From the Briny Deep

July 25, 2004

Deep Sea Defectives is proud to announce the recovery of the Andrea Doria's disco ball. World-famous deep-sea scuba diver John Chatterbox found the ball after mining hidden nuggets from blueprints and records of the vessel to determine its most likely location. He then did a hazardous penetration deep into the bowels of the wreck, which is lying on its side in crazy deep lotta water.
Right: Chatterbox "gets down" with some hot wreck-diving moves
More: Disco Ball ...

What I know about antique glass bottles wouldn't cover both sides of a matchbook. But here are some excellent links on the subject, so you too can learn the difference between a pontil and a blob:
Miscellaneous Links:
Right: Plastic Coke bottle with screw top
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