Atlantic Angel Shark

Angel Shark

Squatina dumerili

Size: to 5 ft

Habitat: shallow coastal waters to extreme depths

Angel Sharks are ambush predators, much like Goosefish. They are generally passive creatures but can bite viciously if provoked. They seem to be intermediate between sharks and rays, and are actually more closely related to Spiny Dogfish than anything else, despite appearances.

Angel Shark
Angel Shark

shipwreck, sailing ship
965 tons
Wednesday February 17, 1943
possibly collision with barge F.F. Clain
80 ft

The Harry Rush is described as a freighter by Krotee, not always the most reliable source. The wreck commonly known as the Harry Rush is a sailing ship. The wreck is the typical three parallel wooden walls, very low-lying, with some steam machinery and chain pile at the west end. The orientation of the wreck is unusual, as if it sank while running for the shore, rather than riding out a storm. The absence of towing bits makes it likely this was a true sailing ship rather than a schooner barge.

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