Rockaway Belle (US Army T-1)

At Point Pleasant, 1981

Rockaway Belle is listed as Army tug-transport T-1, built by Simms Brothers, Dorchester MA, 1942. 'T-boats' were 65-foot, 45 ton diesel-powered, passenger-cargo boats that doubled as harbor tugs. 170 of them were constructed during WWII, and many more afterwards. From 1940 through 1951 all T-Boats were built of wood, thereafter steel. Rockaway Belle was T-1 of the T-1 class, sold as surplus in 1947.

Sister T-47, wood hull

The photo above is a sister. It looks like a natural fishing boat. T-1s probably needed very little to convert them to side-trawlers, already having a sturdy-looking hull, tugboat engine and cargo boom. I can find no details or date for the sinking, but there might still be something down there, and the first person who gets to it is going to find a giant lobster.

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Iron and steel artifacts are much less sought-after than brass and other metals, because they readily corrode in saltwater, and are difficult to clean and preserve after recovery. Exposure to air tremendously accelerates the corrosive process, and without proper conservation, a nice iron or steel artifact will become an ugly lump of rust within weeks of removal from the water.

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