Sea Squirts

Sea Squirts

Molgula manhattensis ( right )
Styela Partita
( left )

Sea Squirts are found attached intertidally to subtidally. They show an extraordinary tolerance for brackish and polluted water, which makes them highly survivable in urban areas. Sea Squirts, usually about an inch in diameter, are capable of ejecting a stream of water when agitated, hence the name. Usually found in groups of several animals. See also: Horned Salp.

Tunicates are much more advanced in the evolutionary scheme of things than anemones, having, for example, a circulatory system. The larvae actually even have several features in common with vertebrates, including the precursor of a spinal cord, but these are lost in the sac-like sessile adults.

Sea Squirts
Type unknown
Golden Star Tunicates
The attractive purple growths on this Ulva weed are colonies of Golden Star Tunicates. The individual animals are almost too small to see.
Sea Squirt anatomy
Sea Squirt anatomy

Smooth Dogfish
Most of these sharks are in more danger
from us than we are from them.
Real sharks are ashamed of them.

"Dogfish" is a generic name for a large number of small, generally harmless, and unaggressive sharks, not all of which are very closely related. Smooth Dogfishes are related to Tiger, Bull, and other Requiem Sharks, while Spiny Dogfishes are in a completely different group, more closely related to Angel Sharks. Compare these with the unrelated Chain Dogfish, a "Cat" shark. Sandbar sharks have nothing in common with the others here, except their small size. None of these little sharks is really dangerous, although any of them could give a good bite if provoked. Generally, they will avoid you.

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