Sand Dollar

Sand Dollar

Echinarachnius parma

Size: to 3"

Think of the Sand Dollar as a flattened Sea Urchin. They live on and slightly buried in sandy bottoms, at any depth.

Soak them in a bleach mixture and then rub off the spines with a rag to get a nice white keepsake. The tiny spines are like cactus needles and can be very irritating. Live Sand Dollars are pink; they turn green in death, and the indelible green pigment will rub off on anything it touches.

Sand Dollar

The spines are used like a conveyer belt to move grains of sand along the upper and lower surface of the animal, allowing it to crawl around the bottom and bury itself. They feed on organic material found in the sand, which is passed to the mouth by the tiny tube feet all over the body.

Herb Segars Photography

Homarus americanus

Size: to 36" and 45 lbs. (record)

Habitat: subtidal to the edge of the continental shelf, in any sheltered spot


Lobsters differ from shrimps in having three pairs of clawed legs, the first with very large claws. Southern "Spiny Lobsters" are only distantly related; freshwater crayfish are closer. Lobsters, or "Bugs", are mainly nocturnal, and feed primarily on living or freshly killed food rather than scavenging on carrion, as was once thought. Although they are predominantly solitary creatures, lobsters do have a sort of social life amongst themselves. Males are more aggressive than females and will form pecking orders among individuals in an area. Female lobsters apparently seek the protection of a male when molting, then mate afterward. Lobsters shed their shells once or twice a year, depending mainly on the temperature.

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