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Isopod means "same foot", a reference to the similar legs that are evident in the illustrations, as opposed to amphipods. Isopods are the most widespread of all arthropods, found from the highest mountaintops to the deepest seas. Most isopods are small, although some deep-sea types grow to over a foot in length. Isopods are mainly harmless scavengers, although some are parasites, and larger types can pack a painful bite.

The most well-known type of isopod is the common terrestrial Pill Bug or Sow Bug (shown) which can be found under any rock or log. Marine pillbugs are very similar to their land-dwelling cousins.

Snapping Turtle

Chelydra serpentina

Size: to 15" (body)

Habitat: hides on the bottom in any type of water

Notes: Generally docile and easily approached in the water, but should be treated with respect for its powerful bite. This turtle can easily amputate a finger or toe and becomes pugnacious when landed. If you have the patience, try to see how long this turtle can go between breaths. A lot longer than you or me, that's for sure.

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