
Drums are so named for their ability to make drumming sounds with their swim bladder. Actually, many fishes are capable of making sounds, from squeaks to growls, although not all Drums can "drum". Kingfish lack a swim bladder but still vocalize by grinding their pharyngeal (throat) teeth.

Northern Kingfish

Menticirrhus saxatilis

Profile by
Heather Corbett
Assistant Fisheries Biologist

The Northern kingfish, Menticirrhus saxatilis, is popular with many saltwater anglers, and it's no wonder. These fish are known to put up a good fight, and their tasty, white meat is well worth the effort.


Cynoscion regalis

Profile by John McClain Principal Fisheries Biologist

The Weakfish is a member of the croaker family. The family name is derived from the ability of the males to make a drumming or croaking noise.

Atlantic Croaker

Micropogonias undulatus

Profile by John McClain, Principal Fisheries Biologist

The croaker is a member of the Sciaenidae, or drum family, which includes the black drum and weakfish. Their name comes from the sound they can make by vibrating their swim bladders.


Leiostomus xanthurus

to 14"
seldom that big

Shallow coastal waters, bays, estuaries.

These diminutive drums form an important fishery, both commercial and recreational.

shipwreck, schooner barge
1208 tons
Friday June 30, 1933
40°25.505' -73°54.071' (AWOIS 1990)
80 ft

Nearby are the remains of several other barges.

Printed from njscuba.net