What's New ( Old, Actually ) (4/4)

October 2004

  • Artificial Reef News 2004 ( PDF ) | Wind, Waves & Weather
  • Long Branch Locomotives | Lost at Sea | Andrea Doria | U-869
  • Maritime Salvage Law by Michael C. Barnette, with sample arrest papers
  • Contamination Risks of Artificial Reefs and Shipwrecks by Michael C. Barnette
  • Wartime Losses - list of all military and wartime dive sites
  • Updated Marine Engines, Sailing Ships, Tankers, Freighters, Tugboats
  • $108.24 to keep the site on-line

August 2004

  • New Herb Segars pix: Lana Carol
  • Gary Gentile book chapters: ToltenStolt DagaliOregon
  • New pictures from the Mohawk | Ocean Liners | Bakelite Bits
  • Artifact: Andrea Doria Disco Ball
Reef Award
reef Award

June 2004

  • Dogfishes get their own page
  • Species Profile: Northern Kingfish
  • Searching for Shipwrecks by John Chatterton

April 2004

  • Revised all Charts ( although you'd never notice the difference. )
Shipwrecks of Connecticut & Rhode Island
  • New Artificial Reefs Book & 2003 Artificial Reef News
  • New Gary Gentile book - Shipwrecks of Connecticut & Rhode Island
  • Reinstalled a single simple Public Message Board. Post anything you like.

February 2004

  • Solo-Diving
  • Scrapped the Message Boards entirely - a waste of time that was
  • New opening graphic is more functional than old one - you figure it out
  • Added lots of pictures of sharks and more sharks !
  • Updated Wooden Ship Construction with real historical details
  • Species Profile: Gray Triggerfish
  • Split Catch Restrictions and Health Advisories into separate pages

December 2003

  • NJScuba.net is a >GoogleWhack - jellyfishes+hydrofoils.
  • December 4, 2003 - passed 300,000.
  • Overviews: Invertebrates | Fishes | Higher Animals | Algaes & Plants
  • Message Boards are absolutely moribund. Replaced message board links in sidebar navigation tabs with much more useful "Similar Pages" site-search links.
  • Added anatomical line drawings of many critters.
  • Broke out Artificial Reefs into its own subsection ( formerly under Dive Sites )

October 2003

  • Final batch of Redbirds dropped on Shark River Reef. All now plotted on reef charts.
  • Two new tugboats on Deepwater Reef and seven huge rock piles on Shark River Reef.
  • Moved Dutch Springs into the Artificial Reefs section, since that's basically what it is !
  • Survey of New Jersey's Recreational Wreck / Artificial Reef Fisheries, 2000
  • Added some underwater pictures from the USS Algol - a tour from bow to bridge.
  • Added Medical Concerns to Dive Training.
  • Updated Artifacts: winches, wooden hulls, schooner barges, sailing ships
  • Added 20 mini-articles from Dan Berg's CD-ROM in Dive Sites.
  • Added A Brief History of Oceanography, Nautical Signal Flags
  • Updated photography pages: Basics | Digital | Advanced
  • Now also hosting the USS Murphy Project
  • Indian Artifacts | Water Pollution | Traps & Dredges

August 2003

  • Multimedia! Added some sounds of fishes and shorebirds.
  • Updated L Street, Shark River, Manasquan Railroad Bridge
  • Added an article on drysuit zippers and seals.
  • Marine Life Colonization of Experimental Reef Habitat
  • Commercial Fishing Vessels
  • Decompression theory with working model and many explanatory papers
  • Coastal Composition - erosion, beach replenishment, etc
  • Why Dive in New Jersey - Beneath the Waves
  • An Aquarium for the Naturalist ( mainly for the kids )
  • Spartan, Shark River, Jellyfish & Lobsters - articles by Herb Segars
  • 7/22/03 - Main counter turned over 200,000 sometime in the last few days.

June 2003

  • Floating menus now work in Netscape as well as IE.
  • Minor restyling and rearrangement of left-side menus - cleaner and hopefully clearer.
  • Water Composition | The Fishkill of 1976
  • Tautog ( Blackfish ) Regulations Explained
  • Polymer Materials - plastics & rubber
  • New Jersey Artificial Reefs Overview
  • How Reef Structures Benefit Marine Life
  • Pre-history of the Artificial Reef Program

Species Profiles:

Black Sea Bass
Striped Bass
Scup ( Porgy )
Tautog ( Blackfish )
Summer Flounder ( Fluke )
Winter Flounder
Blue Crab
Atlantic Menhaden ( Mossbunker )
Atlantic Croaker
Broadbill Swordfish
Seagrass: Nature's Nursery

April 2003

>Lots of new pictures and info on artificial reefs, courtesy of the Department of Fish and Game. Also, check out the new book of Artificial Reef wrecks.

  • Report: Artificial Reef Deployments
  • Started a page on the "Redbird" subway cars, and added the new Artificial Reef Policy Directive 2003-02.
  • A Close-Up View of Artificial Reef Life
  • Added many new u/w photos by Herb Segars.
  • Re-plotted all Reef Charts with GPS coordinates. And no, I won't give the numbers out.
  • Updated Rockland County with pictures and history.
  • Website listed in May issue of Sport Diver. Now we're in the big time !

Feb 2003

No new content really, just formatting and structural changes:

  • Fixed compatibility issues with Gecko/Mozilla-based browsers, including Netscape. The flaws are entirely in the Gecko rendering engine, but with a few changes, the bugs can be written-around. My current favorite among these browsers is Phoenix. The website still looks best in MS Internet Explorer, though. Minor tweaking for Linux / Unix compatibility.
  • Added "tabbed" look to navigation bars, which will hopefully make things more obvious for new users. Added Gas calculators, and a Local Diver Survey. Please take a minute to fill it out.
  • Made floating menus in IE activate faster, although they still don't work in Mozilla. Added public calendar - sign in and start posting your events.
  • 3/3/03 - main counter topped 100,000. Woo Hoo !!! Yahoo probably does that in ten minutes.

It's too d***ed cold to go diving! Hopefully, the Flea Market and BTS will tide things over until Spring.

Dec 2002

  • Upgraded the Site-Search and Discussion Boards.
    Seven sections so far - please check them out:
  • Artifacts & Shipwrecks
  • Classified Ads
  • Dive Sites
  • Gear & Training
  • Marine Biology
  • News & Announcements
  • Trip Reports
  • Minor freshening of the site's look belies a major cleanup of HTML.
  • Merged References & Regulations with Directories and miscellaneous pages. Added some more-obvious navigation links.
  • Updated Delaware Water Gap train wrecks.
  • Finished upgrading graphics. Whew - that was a lot of work ! Site contains over 1800 images; luckily I didn't have to do them all.
  • Added major waste dumping grounds. Yech, but it's good to know. Also working on bottom and water composition.

This has to be the worst end-of-diving season in years. Everything blown out since September!

October 2002

  • Updated all Artificial Reef pages with photos and side-scans courtesy of the Artificial Reef Program / NJ Division of Fish & Wildlife. Also added an article on Reef Ecology, and history of the Cranford ferry.
  • Added u/w pictures of the ToltenLana CarolVenturo, Dutch Springs.
  • Updated side-scan sonar, dive planning, optics, lobster regulations, fins, BCs.
  • Revamped Biology section, with many new entries and underwater photos, courtesy diver Perry Arts.
  • Added many new materials pages in Shipwrecks & Artifacts.
  • Added "floating" navigation menus. Works only in IE; sorry, Netscapers.
  • Upgrading graphics to higher resolution. Spellchecked everything. Reorganized several sections, which will result in broken Google listings for a while. Scrapped the Event Board and For-Sale Board - no interest.
  • Removed old NJScuba files, which can now be found at NJScuba.com.

August 2002

  • Added fish filleting, lobster cooking, and mussel & scallop collecting.
  • Added linking info, as well as a great many internal cross-links. Swept out broken links. Placed counters on all pages.
  • Added pages on wooden and iron ship construction and machinery.
  • Added some underwater pictures of the "Big Hankins" wreck.

June 2002

Big Changes: Converted website to frameless layout ( 6/07/02. ) Later reconstructed frames ( 6/16/02, ) which are now completely optional for those folks who have the extra screen space and liked the old layout. Finally, converted pages to CSS ( 6/27/02, ) and changed the font to Arial for a more modern look.

  • The old Weather section has been collapsed to a single page.
  • Added descriptions for Morania 180 reef and Granite Wreck.
  • Added Google site-search to main page and File Not Found handler.
  • Added a nice design for a Jon Line, and some non-recoverable artifacts.

April 2002

Added a few more aerial photos of Shark River and Manasquan Inlet, and some new artificial reefs. Revamped and expanded Photography page to include digital photography.

February 2002

The dry season ... swept out broken links again. Fixed a glitch in the tide calendar. Added a few new artificial reefs and some artifacts. Looks like the interactive areas were a waste of time. Maybe a bikini-of-the-week page would go over better.

December 2001

Added some nice underwater pictures from Dutch Springs. Added New Jersey's biggest shipwreck artifact. Updated Directories section. Some minor modifications to work better with handheld computers.

October 2001

Sept. 3, 2001went off-line at umg.umdnj.edu/scuba.
main counter: 42364
Sept 21, 2001back up at new address - www.njscuba.net
reset all counters to 0
Oct 30, 2001Finally re-listed at Google.

Added much more detailed pages on Spearfishing and Lobstering in Dive Gear & Training. Added section on aquaria in Biology. Details on Allenhurst Jetty and Shark River in Dive Sites.

August 2001

Added interesting data on re-compression procedures in Dive Gear ( for want of a better place for it ). Added downloadable US Navy Dive Manual to References. Oregon. ( Aug 1 - 40,000 hits )

June 2001

Split Long Island chart and extended shipwreck coverage out to Block Island, with new entries on U-853 & USS Bass. Added some more artificial reefs, and a page on learning to dive in Dive Gear. U.S. Navy report on the sinking of the Turner is interesting.

April 2001

Spruced up Marine Biology section with lots of new color pictures and new entries. Added Google search boxes, and a few new Artifact pages.

February 2001

Added some aerial photographs of shore dive sites. Swept out a lot of broken links.

December 2000

Altered page layout slightly to fit 8.5"x11" portrait paper, and added Print button to page bottoms, to allow printing of individual frames. Only works in IE, though.

October 2000

Some new artificial reefs; adding some aquarium notes and pictures in the Marine Biology section. Updated Shark River Bay.

August 2000

Added Zebra Mussels to Marine Biology section, since they were recently discovered at Dutch Springs! Figured out how to make tighter cross-links between framesets.

June 2000

Added the latest artificial reef - the Captain Bart - along with a slideshow of the sinking. Altered front page to load faster. Added some great underwater images, courtesy of Herb Segars.

April 2000

Added some neat slide shows, and a popup Announcements page. Unfortunately, because of yet another bug in Netscape, slideshows only run in IE. Added perpetual calendar with tide links to Weather section. Added page protection, since far too many people are stealing my graphics without so much as a "by your leave".

February 2000

Added a bunch of new shipwrecks, courtesy of Captains Dan Berg and Steve Nagiewicz. Added nifty perpetual calendar to dive boats weekday schedule. Added eastern PA dive shops & clubs. Added Gary Gentile's new book of NJ wrecks.

October 1999

I must be doing something right, to get top billing from Yahoo! Added Nitrox page to Dive Gear, and some nice pictures to the Stolt Dagali.

September 1999

Sea Girt Wreck and some better quality artificial reef images. A number of additions to Marine Biology. Started Shipwrecks & Artifacts section - hoping to get some help here!

July 1999

Added Horseshoe Cove ( Sandy Hook ) to dive sites. Added "rollover" effect to links. Added several NY reefs, and chart for Cape May reef. Trimmed down this page.

May 1999

Added nifty little JavaScript Navigation Menu. Allows you to jump directly from any section of the website to any other without going through the home page.

March 1999

Finished upgrading Dive Sites graphics to a larger format, and added three clam boats lost in 1999. Reformatted Directories pages to match the rest of the website. Dusted off References section, and added a few new items to Dive Gear & Training.

January 1999

New Directories section. Re-formatted pages for 1024 x 768 screen resolution only. Converted wreck charts to nautical miles. Added copyright notice. Added a few pictures to the Mohawk. Expanded & refocused the Dive Gear & Training section.

November 1998

Added new pictures and info to Riggy Barge and Bald Eagle. Added some pictures to the Delaware Water Gap Train Wreck. Added Contributors page. New background graphic. Interesting new lobster links. Now over 10 MB in size, pretty big for a website.

September 1998

Updated Pinta, Round Valley, 120, Billy D, Coleman; added several more in South Jersey. Expanded Weather section with a new chart. Added some lesser-known South Jersey Wrecks. Added place names to charts.

August 1998

Finished changing page formats for better use of screen area, more consistent navigation, and neater printing, and added a nifty graphic to the opening page. Added some historical details for Mako Mania. Updated Macedonia and added Rudder Wreck. Expanded Dive Gear & Training area.

July 1998

Added Mako Mania - the latest NJ artificial reef ( Shark River Reef ). Naturally had to add Mako Shark to Marine Biology. Also added Camden Aquarium and several less-well-known wrecks.

May 1998

Redesigned hit counter scheme, and reset all hit counters to zero. Updated entries on Dykes and Emerald wrecks (New Jersey), material courtesy of Capt Steve Nagiewicz. Added spreadsheet of wreck coordinates to the References section. Added weekday boat schedule.

April 1998

Added Arnoff wreck (Long Island), material courtesy of Capt. Dan Berg. Added some new shipwrecks and some new References. Added 10 new ships sunk as NJ artificial reefs in 1997 to Dive Sites. Many interesting new links in the Marine Biology section.

March 1998

Cleaned up the site charts for better legibility and faster loading. Added complete history and specifications for the Algol. Added Regulations page.

January 1998

Added dive clubs page. Added Long Island shore dives page, along with a number of related sites and links. Added a lot of manufacturer links and logos.

December 1997

Added chart for Atlantic City reef, and several new wrecks. Added some hard-to-find pictures of reef wrecks. Overhauled the dive sites pages and put the graphics inline. Added a new page for the Artificial Reef Program. Added a new chart for Cape May, and a few more wrecks.

November 1997

Added a few new weather and miscellaneous links and some new dive sites. Some layout changes to display better at 640 x 480 resolution.

October 1997

Added 17 more shipwrecks. Updated entries on DykesConey IslandLana Carol. Added section on freshwater biology. Started tracking changes. New cleaner look, more Netscape fixes.


Got the idea that a New Jersey scuba diving website might be a good thing.

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