Captain Steve Nagiewicz

Shark Research Institute
Speaking at NJ Aquarium on Shark Conservation on behalf of the Shark Research Institute
Captain Steve Nagiewicz

Captain Steve Nagiewicz was the owner of the website, which was the first Internet resource for New Jersey shipwreck and scuba diving.

Nagiewicz is a USCG licensed Merchant Marine Master Oceans and has been scuba diving for more than 25 years with over 4000 sport, technical, and commercial dives all over the world.

Diversion 2

He owned and operated commercial dive boats for over 20 years. He has conducted side-scan surveys, oceanographic and scientific research all over the world.

An acknowledged authority on shipwrecks, Steve has written over 75 articles about oceanography, diving, shipwrecks, and the ocean for many national newspapers and magazines and lectured throughout the country. He also runs a program for children called; Oceanography for Kids, which introduces the ocean and marine animals to children in a fun format from K-12.

Capt. Steve has been featured as a diving expert on network television as well as cable television documentaries and programs, and magazines and newspapers for his expertise on diving, shipwrecks, and the local ocean issues.

Hidden History of Maritime New Jersey

Available Now:

Hidden History of Maritime New Jersey

by Steve Nagiewicz

An estimated three thousand shipwrecks lie off the coast of New Jersey -- but these icy waters hold more mysteries than sunken hulls. Ancient arrowheads found on the shoreline of Sandy Hook reveal Native American settlement before the land was flooded by melting glaciers. In 1854, 240 passengers of the New Era clipper ship met their fate off Deal Beach. Nobody knows what happened to two hydrogen bombs the United States Air Force lost near Atlantic City in 1957. Lessons from such tragic wrecks and dangerous missteps urged the development of safer ships and the U.S. Coast Guard. Captain Stephen D. Nagiewicz uncovers curious tales of storms, heroism and oddities from New Jersey's maritime past. 176 pages, illustrated, soft cover

Side Scan Sonar Survey work on NJ Artificial Reefs
Side Scan Sonar Survey work on NJ Artificial Reefs

Capt. Steve has worked for several years with the State of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division and the Artificial Reef Program to develop man-made alternative reef habitats for marine life along the 14 designated reef sites along the Jersey Shore, earning their Reef Recognition Award in 2006.

Explorers Club Flag Expedition in Greece
Explorers Club Flag Expedition in Greece

Nagiewicz is Fellow FN’95 and former Executive Director of the Explorers Club in New York was Chapter Chair of the Philadelphia Chapter of the Explorers Club and earned 2000 Explorer of the Year. Steve is also an elected Fellow RGS’01 of the Royal Geographic Society and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Shark Research Institute. Steve has represented the Shark Research Institute as their Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the last four years. SRI is a non-profit international organization, An NGO with the United Nations, and approved delegate to CITIES. As Chairman of the board of Trustees, Mr. Nagiewicz is responsible for developing and funding the mission and scope of the organization and its scientists and field research stations around the world through conservation, research, education, and legislation.

Diving the subway cars
Diving the subway cars on the Shark River Reef for NBC News.

He is the former Facilities Manager for the James J. Howard Marine Sciences Laboratory for the State of New Jersey at Sandy Hook. National Sales Manager for Diving Unlimited International in San Diego, manufacturer of dry suits and diving equipment for recreational, commercial, and military.

Johnson Toribiong
With Former President of Palau, Johnson Toribiong at a ceremony honoring his work on shark conservation at United Nations.
Discussing shark fin bans at NJ Statehouse
Discussing shark fin bans at NJ Statehouse.

He is the former Chairman of the Shore Region Tourism Council and Ocean County Tourism Advisory Council; both are not-for-profit tourism agencies which seek to promote tourism of the New Jersey Shore. He was awarded the Shore Region Tourism Award in 2006. Steve was also named Chairman of the Jersey Shore Alliance Tourism Council which had a multi-million dollar budget that promoted tourism along the Jersey Shore in conjunction with the CRDA in Atlantic City.

Travis, Barbara and Steve Nagiewicz
Travis, Barbara, and Steve Nagiewicz

Additionally, Steve has worked as a sales and marketing manager for various Fortune 500 companies such as GAF, Gulf & Western, MAI/Basic Four, RG Barry, and Duofold. Steve was earned his Bachelor of Science (1974) from Richard Stockton State College, Pomona, NJ, and a presently completing his Professional Science Masters at Stockton. He teaches Marine, Earth, and Environmental Sciences at Atlantic City High School in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Travis Tug
The Sinking of the Travis Tug on the Sea Girt Reef.

Steve lives in Brick, New Jersey with his wife Barbara and son, Travis. Both are divers and have shipwrecks donated and placed on two NJ Artificial reefs: on the Carlson Reef...the Barbara Ann Barge sunk in her name, June 2003. Travis made his first wreck dive in 2007 on the Travis Tug, sunk in his honor on the Sea Girt Reef on Halloween, 2001.

Neil Armstrong and George Plimpton
With Neil Armstrong and George Plimpton at Explorers Club Annual Dinner

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