Harvey's Schooner

shipwreck, schooner
120 ft

The Harvey's Woody is an unidentified wooden schooner that sits in 120 feet of water about 24 miles out of Jones Inlet NY. According to diver Jim Fazzolare diver can find not only low lying ribs but a large pile of anchor chain, a large fluted anchor, and winch. This wreck is excellent for lobsters.

-- Capt. Dan Berg

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Conger Eel

Conger oceanicus

to 7 1/2 ft and 90 lbs., usually smaller

The Conger Eel closely resembles the American Eel, Anguilla rostrata, but is distinguishable by its longer snout and the very large dorsal fin that originates much closer to the pectoral fins. The Conger is also larger, frequently attaining a weight of 10 to 20 pounds and a length of 5 to 7 feet. Its European cousin, Conger conger, is even more spectacular, occasionally tipping the scales at 130 pounds and measuring over 12 feet in length. The American Conger is gray above and white underneath. The dorsal and anal fins have broad black margins. Overall, the Conger appears much lighter than the freshwater eel, thus the common name Silver Eel. The species is distributed from Massachusetts to south Florida and in the Gulf of Mexico westward to Mississippi.

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