Mud Hole

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Manasquan Chart Across          Larsen          Balaena         Benson          Drydock         Ayuruoca        Arundo          Goulandris      BA Wreck        Choapa          Continent       Gypsy           Stolt Dagali    Shark River Reef Coney Island    Mako Mania      USS Algol       Beth Dee Bob

Deep and dark, the Mud Hole is the Hudson River's channel from a time when the oceans were much lower. Today it collects all the silt and sediment that the river carries out to the sea, making it a very fertile fishing ground, frequented by pelagic fishes and sharks.

With depths ranging from 130 to 200 ft and difficult diving conditions, most Mud Hole wrecks are beyond the capability of a typical recreational diver without specialized equipment and experience. Where river water mixes with seawater, suspended particles form a constant snow of sediment in a process known as flocculation. This results in very dark and turbid conditions, often with visibility measured in inches and total darkness at the bottom. In addition to this, most Mud Hole wrecks are heavily fished and are covered with dangerous tangles of monofilament and fishing nets.

Mud Hole

The Mud Hole deepens into the Glory Hole, which deepens further into the Hudson Canyon, which follows the path of a seismic fault and eventually runs off the edge of the continental shelf down into the abyss at over a mile depth. Along the northeast edge of the Mud Hole is a relatively shallower plateau known as the Monster Ledge, on which lies the most well-known and accessible Mud Hole wreck, the Arundo.

Salvatore Big Pussy Bompensiero

Interestingly, all of the wartime Mud Hole wrecks with the exception of the Arundo are victims of collision rather than enemy action, which attests to the enormous amount of shipping in the region at that time.

Not marked on the chart: Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bompensiero, former Soprano family capo and FBI snitch, 2000. Sleeps with the fishes.

Shipwreck Goulandris
shipwreck, freighter, Greece
One of the Goulandris brothers, who's shipping company owned the vessel.
1910, England, as Maria Stathatos
( 362 x 51 ft ) 3750 gross tons, 31 crew
Tuesday December 1, 1942
collision with freighter Intrepido - no casualties
190 ft

USS Algol reef
The Algol just prior to sinking, November 1991.
artificial reef, Andromeda class attack transport ( freighter ), U.S. Navy, also known as a "Victory Ship", although often incorrectly referred to as a Liberty Ship
One of a series of Navy transports named for stars;
Algol is a star in the constellation Perseus, also known as the Demon star.
1943; Oakland CA USA, as James Barnes
( 459 x 63 ft ) 13910 displacement tons, 429 crew *
* this figure almost certainly includes embarked Marines
Federal Aid in Sportfish Restoration
Thursday November 22, 1991 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
40°06.545' -73°41.450'
145 ft +, starts at 70 ft, main deck at 110 ft

Shipwreck Stolt Dagali
shipwreck, tanker, Norway
Stolt is the name of the line that owned the ship; it translates "proud". Dagali is a mountain valley in Norway.
1955, Denmark, as Dagali
( 582 x 70 ft ) 12723 gross tons, 43 crew
Thursday November 26, 1964 ( Thanksgiving day )
collision with liner Shalom ( 25,338 tons ) - 19 casualties
130 ft, starts at 60 ft

120 ft

shipwreck, covered with monofilament

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