Charts (5/6)

Dive Sites - pick your starting point

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Port Jefferson Artificial Reef

Depth: 88 to 94 feet
1.79 nautical miles northeast of Port Jefferson Inlet

Sandy Hook / Rockaway Inlet

Rockaway Artificial Reef

Depth: 32 - 40 ft
1.6 nautical miles south of Rockaway Beach

Sandy Hook / Rockaway Inlet

Sandy Hook Artificial Reef

1.6 nautical miles off Sea Bright
Depth: 40-60 ft

Sea Girt Artificial Reef

3.6 Nautical Miles off Sea Girt
Depth: 60-75 ft

Shark River Artificial Reef

15.6 Nautical Miles off Manasquan
Depth: 120-140 ft

Shinnecock Artificial Reef

Depth: 76 - 84 ft
2.0 Nautical miles south of Shinnecock Inlet

Artificial Reefs

Every fisherman has his favorite fishing area and thinks that it would be the perfect spot for an artificial reef. "Why don't you build a reef here?" they ask.

Obviously, the State could never satisfy every New Jersey angler with his own pet reef. Besides that, there are many constraints that limit both the number and location of ocean reef sites. New Jersey now has a network of 15 reef sites, evenly spaced from Sandy Hook to Cape May. In its original plan, the Reef Program estimated that 14 or 15 sites would be needed to provide access to anglers and divers from every New Jersey inlet.

16-Fathom Artificial Reef

Depth: 85 to 103 feet
13 nautical miles southwest of Fire Island Inlet


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Shipwreck Olinda
shipwreck, steamer, Portugal
1887, England
( 250 x 36 ft ) 1479 gross tons
Tuesday June 11, 1895
ran aground on Fisher's Island - no casualties
20 ft

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