ha ha ha

Or "heads", as real sailors call them.

Here's an object that probably doesn't deserve to be recovered - the head on the Matt Turecamo.
Look at the difference between these two shots; the first in 1997, not long after the sinking, and the second in 2000. Hydroids have replaced mussels, and the floor is covered with a foot of silt.
"Heads" on the Coney Island (top) and Great Isaac (bottom). Courtesy Perry Arts.
Head on the Mandy Ray

shipwreck, schooner
120 ft

The Train Wheel Wreck is another unidentified wooden schooner. She is located in 120 feet of water only a few miles from the G&D Wreck. According to Jimmy Fazzolare divers will find a pile of train wheels and wooden debris. The Train Wheels must have been cargo. In the center of the wreck is a depression where divers can usually find big lobsters.

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