Mako Mania YW-127

artificial reef, tanker, US Navy YW-83 class
1945, Surgeon Bay, WI, USA, as YW-127
( 165 x 33 ft )
GPPCBA, Budweiser
Thursday July 16, 1998 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
40°06.419' -73°41.460'
125 ft
YW-83 class water tanker
Mako Mania reef

This small tanker was built to carry (of all things) saltwater. This was used to test the desalination plants of other vessels in port, where saltwater might not be readily available. It is probably a good idea to make sure your desalination plant works before leaving on a long ocean voyage. She was YW-127, a tanker configuration identical to what were also known as "YO"s, small tankers/lighters which carried oil or gasoline. The designation "YW" signifies that she was a water carrier. YW-127 was placed in reserve in 1980, and stricken from the Navy register in 1994, and had been tied up at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for years before being selected for use as an artificial reef.

Mako Mania reef
Explosive charges go off, opening holes in the hull. Note the Budweiser banner just behind the bridge.
Mako Mania reef
Going ...
Mako Mania reef
Going ...
Mako Mania reef
Mako Mania reef
The ship is upright on an even keel

Rechristened the " Mako Mania" for the fishing tournament that partially sponsored it, the ship now lies upright and intact as New Jersey's 102nd reef vessel. The stern house is at 85 ft depth, while the bow is dug in slightly at 115 ft. The bottom is presently at 125 ft, but expect that to increase somewhat as the hull settles and currents scour out a depression around it.

Anything of value was stripped from the hulk prior to sinking - so there are no portholes, valves, etc. The cargo holds are filled with huge earth-mover tires and will someday be lobster heaven. The rest of the ship can be penetrated through two large skylights near the stack. The smokestack itself is capped off and was painted with black and yellow tiger stripes. ( In hindsight, that's probably rust. )

Mako Mania reef

"Mako Mania" is a twin to the "John Dobilas" and the "Captain Bart". See construction for more photos of this class of ship.

Mako Mania reef
A deck cleat, with tow ropes still attached.
Mako Mania reef
Some empty portholes ( taken on the day of the sinking. )
Mako Mania reef
"Artifact" recovered by the first group to dive the new reef.

Historical details courtesy of diver Alex George.

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Choctaw reef
Photo courtesy of McAllister Towing
artificial reef, tugboat
An Indian tribe of south and central Mississippi, later forcibly moved to the Oklahoma territory.
1966, Brooklyn NY USA (Bushey Yard)
( 90 x 24 ft ) 84 gross tons
Spentonbush Red Star Company, Beach Haven Marlin & Tuna Club, Fish America, Atlantic County Reef Society
Tuesday April 7, 1991 - Garden State North Artificial Reef
39°37.894' -74°01.284'
75 ft

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