
Shipwreck Texel
shipwreck, tanker, USA
Texel is the easternmost of the Frisian islands off the coast of Holland, which are similar to our own barrier islands.
1913, Denmark
( 331 x 48 ft ) 3220 gross tons, 36 crew
Sunday June 2, 1918
bombed by U-151 - no casualties
230 ft

U-151's path from Isabel B Wiley to Carolina

Today, the Texel lies in 230 ft of water. She sits on a sandy bottom with almost no relief. She appears to have landed upright but has collapsed into the sand. Hull plates have fallen off around her like an eroding jig-saw puzzle. Her midsection and superstructure are gone, and her bow unrecognizable. The stern is marked by the propeller shaft, which hangs above the surrounding hull plates. She is a deep dive and should be dived by only the most experienced.

Shipwreck Texel

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Naked Sea Butterfly

Naked Sea Butterflies Clione limacina resemble angels. They have a spindle-shaped body up to 1 inch long that is bluish and transparent, with pink to red-yellow areas. The shell is absent. The head is well developed and clearly evident because of an indentation on the upper part of the body. The body has robust flaps ( mantle lobes ) that are used for propulsion. Although it looks like a jellyfish, the Naked Sea Butterfly is a gastropod mollusk, related to snails and sea slugs, and does not sting.

Printed from njscuba.net