
Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae
Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae ( plankton and attached )
Microscopic planktonic colonial green algae
Microscopic planktonic colonial green algae
Microscopic Desmids
Microscopic Desmids ( plankton, freshwater )


Zostera marina

Size: to 36"

Seagrass: Nature's Nursery

Seagrasses are a group of approximately 50 species of vascular plants that complete their entire life cycle fully submerged in the marine environment. The most common and ecologically important seagrasses in New Jersey are eelgrass ( Zostera marina ) and widgeon grass ( Ruppia maritima ). Widgeon grass, however, is actually a fresh/brackish water plant with extreme salinity tolerance and is therefore sometimes not classified as a "true" marine seagrass.

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