Green Sea Turtle

Green Sea Turtle

Chelonia midas

Size: to 48" ( shell ) and 450 lbs.

Habitat: oceanic

Notes: Greatly reduced in numbers due to hunting. The Green is the largest hard-shelled sea turtle, and also the only vegetarian, feeding on algae and "Turtle Grass." Green Sea Turtles are not particularly green on the outside but have green fat, for which they were named in the days when sailors still caught and ate them. Green Sea Turtles have four large scales or "scutes" along each side of the shell; Loggerheads have five.

Green Sea Turtle
It's not dead, it's just lazy. A Green Sea Turtle lying on a black sand beach in Hawaii.

8-D-cell light with lantern grip
8-D-cell light with lantern grip
now extinct

In the murky waters off New Jersey, you are going to need a powerful dive light if it is to be of any real usefulness. There are many different types of underwater lights to choose from.

Bulb Type

Nowadays, LEDs are the only way to go. They are cheap, bright, and efficient. They throw a white light that is much better than the dingy yellow of the old incandescent technology. Incandescent lights are completely obsolete. HID lights were never reliable, and terribly expensive.

Beam pattern is probably more important than brightness, Your main light should throw a wide beam, for area illumination. Many lights throw a narrow pencil beam that appears to be brighter but is actually less useful. These are best used as backups and in special situations, such as camera strobe aimers. Some lights are adjustable.

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