Train Wheel Wreck

shipwreck, schooner
120 ft

The Train Wheel Wreck is another unidentified wooden schooner. She is located in 120 feet of water only a few miles from the G&D Wreck. According to Jimmy Fazzolare divers will find a pile of train wheels and wooden debris. The Train Wheels must have been cargo. In the center of the wreck is a depression where divers can usually find big lobsters.

-- Capt. Dan Berg

The American schooner W.B. Thompson is listed as sunk December 29, 1866 "off Sandy Hook", with a cargo of "car wheels". In 1866, this could only mean train wheels. The same? ( 40 miles off Sandy Hook )

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Humpback Whale

Megaptera novaeangliae

Size: to 50 ft

Habitat: oceanic

These are most often seen from charter boats, and are certainly the most common large whales in the area. Occasionally one may even be spotted from shore. The popular notion of a whale song is actually the vocalization of these whales.

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