Cornelius Grinnell

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Shipwreck Cornelius Grinnell
shipwreck, sailing ship, USA
( 180 x 38 ft ) 1100 tons
Monday, January 13, 1853
grounded in storm - no casualties

The vessel took a tremendous pounding, but a surf car was used to rescue all 234 persons on board. The history of the Cornelius Grinnell is confused since she is listed as sunk again in 1885, 5 miles south of Highlands Light. Was she salvaged in 1853, or is this a different vessel with the same name, or is this another record-keeping error? The truth is lost to time.

The Cornelius Grinnell and the John S Minturn were packet ships of the same line, in fact, they were named after the owners.

Shipwreck Cornelius Grinnell
Cornelius Grinnell

Here is a list of vessels lost in the area of discussion up to 1900. Some of these may be offshore, and many were refloated and/or salvaged, so not all are candidates for the Lavallette Wreck. A few have specific locations given, but most are given simply as "Squan" or "Squan Beach, " which could be anywhere. A list like this could never hope to be complete.

1809Benjamin & ElizabethshipSquan Beach
1809JosephshipSquan Beach
1810Three FriendsSquan Beach
1812MentorbrigSquan Beach
1813ThistleSquan Inlet
1824AmityshipSquan Beach
1826Hannah AnnsloopSquan
1827OrbitschoonerSquan Beach
1827SolonschoonerIsland Beach
1827FloridaschoonerIsland Beach
1827LewisshipIsland Beach
1828MarvelbrigIsland Beach
1828MobilebrigSquan Beach
1828Post BoyschoonerIsland Beach
1830Thankful WinslowschoonerSquan Beach
1830EtnaschoonerSquan Beach
1830AetnaschoonerSquan Beach
1830SovereignshipSquan Beach
1831Cape HenryschoonerSquan Beach
1832General PutmanshipIsland Beach
1832Mary & ElizaSquan Beach
1832HunterbrigSquan Beach
1832Christine LouisashipSquan Beach
1834PolmquasloopSquan Beach
1835Sovereign (salvaged)shipSquan Beach
1835A J DonnelsonbarqueSquan Beach
1835LydiaschoonerCranberry Inlet
1835Lola MaybrigSquan Beach
1835Jonathan MyerschoonerSquan Beach
1836AstrosbrigSquan Beach
1838Henry ClayschoonerMantoloking
1839Gov. CoddingtonbrigIsland Beach
1840John C JacksonschoonerSquan Inlet
1840PotomacschoonerIsland Beach
1840SenateschoonerManasquan Beach
1846John S MinturnshipSquan Beach
1846AlabamaschoonerSquan Beach
1849La FauvettebarkSquan Beach
1850AyrshireshipSquan Beach
1852Argylebark3 miles S of Squan
1853Grand TurkschoonerSquan Inlet
1853Western WorldshipSpring Lake
1853Cornelius GrinnellshipSquan Beach
1855ArgylebarkSquam Beach
1857MinervashipCranberry Inlet
1857Samuel Willetsshipnear Squan
1857Clara BrookmanshipSquan Beach
1859John R StanleyschoonerSquan Beach
1860DeWitt Clintonship7 miles S of Squan Inlet
1861Governor BullbrigSquan Beach
1862HazardbrigSquan Inlet
1864MoniobrigSquan Beach
1865C MatthewsschoonerSquan Beach
1865FlorabarkSquan Beach
1866R G PorterschoonerPoint Pleasant
1867G W HinsonschoonerSquan Beach
1867Charles E PopeschoonerSquan Beach
1867CordulaschoonerSquan Beach
1867CreolesteamerBay Head
1869R C WaldronschoonerSquan Beach
1869M M MerrimanschoonerSquan Beach
1869Ann CorbettschoonerSquan Beach
1870ScuddschoonerSquan Beach
1870B C SchrivinerschoonerSquan Beach
1870Gilman D KingschoonerSquan Beach
1870John CollinsschoonerSquan Beach
1871OneidaschoonerSquan Beach
1871Catherine Jacksonoff Squan
1871O H CanadyschoonerSquan Beach
1871VillotinebarkSquan Beach
1871AriessteamerCranberry Inlet
1872PanthersteamerSquan Beach
1870Lizzie LanesloopSquan Beach
1875Thomas FletcherbarkSquan Beach
1875The QueensteamerSquan Beach
1875M J ForshasloopSquan Beach
1875CoraschoonerSquan Beach
1876Eliza JaneschoonerSquan Beach
1876MagdalinabrigCranberry Inlet
1876AMC SmithschoonerSquan Beach
1876Lillian CameronbrigantineSquam Beach
1877Margaret & Lucyschooneropposite Toms River
1878New JerseybarkSquan
1878Maggie McDonaldschoonerWreck Pond Inlet
1878D C BradleyschoonerSquan
1884C C DameschoonerBay Head
1885PeacedaleschoonerOcean Grove
1886TsengorashipSpring Lake
1886W C WarnerbrigMatoloking
1888Civitas CarrerabarkManasquan **
1888Andrew H Edwardsbarkoff Island Beach
1890Lawrence McKenzieschooneropposite Forked River
1892Henry Daveyschooneroff Squan
1894Albert W SmithschoonerSquan Beach
1894Susan H Ritchieschoonerbetween Bay Head
& Mantoloking
1899AjischoonerIsland Beach
1900Oliver ScolfieldschoonerChadwick

** This wreck was uncovered by a storm and salvaged in 1937

Likewise, there are many anonymous fishing snags and other unknown wreckage up and down the coast, any of which could prove to be one of these wrecks. Or, more likely, they have either sunk into the sand or been consumed by the surf.

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