New Jersey Coast Dive Sites Chart

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

NJ Chart        Sandy Hook Chart Manasquan Chart Barnegat Chart  Cape May Chart  Manasquan Inlet Sea Girt Inlet  Barnegat Inlet  Little Egg Inlet Brigantine Inlet Absecon Inlet   Great Egg Inlet Corsons Inlet   Townsends Inlet Hereford Inlet  Cape May Inlet  Delaware Bay    Edmund Phinney  Lizzie Brayton  New Era         Antioch         Rjukan          Raritan Bay     Jetties         Jetties         Jetties         Remedios Pascual Meta            Seaside pipeline Raritan Bay     Shark River     Barnegat Bay    Raritan River   Atlantus        Thurmond        Sindia          John Minturn    Manasquan Wreck Del Water Gap   Dutch Springs   Round Valley    Allenhurst Jetty Bluffs Wreck    Pliny           Dual Wrecks     Western World   Shark River     Sumner          NJ Aquarium     Chauncey Jerome Long Branch Pier Lavallette Wreck Mullica River   Aurora

New Jersey Coast Dive Sites

Manasquan River
Aerial shot of the entire Manasquan River estuary, looking southeast. The Railroad Bridge dive site is at the upper-right.

The Manasquan River is overall not as nice a place to dive as the Shark River. The currents are stronger, the water never seems as clean, and the bottom is silty wherever it is not covered with mussels. The inlet jetties can be downright dangerous, and the boat traffic in the channel there is often very heavy. Off the north jetty is the so-called "Manasquan Wreck", but this is a long swim from shore and probably best approached with a boat.

Shipwreck Antioch
Note the life-saving breeches-buoy at right
shipwreck, sailing ship, USA
( 180 ft ) 986 tons, 10 crew
Friday March 27, 1914
ran aground - no casualties
20 ft

Probably sanded-in by beach restoration work

Hudson & East Rivers
The Verrazano Narrows at the mouth of the Hudson River.

Looking roughly south: Sandy Hook is barely visible at upper-right, Rockaway inlet at the upper-left, Brooklyn at lower-left, Staten Island at lower-right. The shipping channel is also plainly obvious.

Sandbar Shark
Sandbar Shark
New Jersey State Aquarium - Camden

Volunteer divers at the aquarium assist with food preparation, cleaning and maintaining work area and exhibits, perform dive demonstrations, and assist aquarists when necessary. Volunteer must be a certified diver age 18 years and older with at least 25 logged dives; 5 in the last 2 years and 2 in the last 12 months. Volunteer must be able to commit to 2 eight-hour work shifts per month ( same day every other week. ) Volunteer applications are available at the information desk.

Shipwreck Chauncey Jerome
This is approximately what you should see from the water
shipwreck, sailing ship, USA
1852, East Haddam CT, USA
Chauncey Jerome was an early 19th new England century clock maker
( 178 x 37 ft ) 1154 tons
Thursday Jan 12, 1854
ran aground
20 ft

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