Ellie B

- Type:
- shipwreck, clam dredge, USA
- Specs:
- ( 68 ft ) 3 crew
- Sunk:
- January 17, 1999; ran up on jetty
no casualties - Depth:
- 15 ft

The Ellie B was returning home when she struck the north Manasquan inlet jetty. The winter sea quickly pounded the wooden hull to matchsticks. A few weeks later, nothing remained visible from the surface. The engines and heavy equipment were later salvaged, leaving no trace of the wreck behind.

Sunk photo by Capt. Thomas Hurst courtesy of Capt. Duane Clause
Clam Dredges, Lost At Sea, Manasquan Dive Sites,
- #10
- 12-Mile Dump
- 120 Wreck
- 3 Sisters
- 44025
- 44065
- 44091
- A
- Acid Dump
- Across
- Adele
- Alex Mac
- Allenhurst
- Anastasia
- Antioch
- Arnoff
- Arundo
- Asfalto
- Aurora
- Axel Carlson
- Ayuruoca
- BA Wreck
- Balaena
- Bald Eagle
- Barnegat
- Barnegat Bay
- Barnegat Inlet
- BD1738
- Benson
- Beth Dee Bob
- Blue Boy
- Bonanza
- Brayton
- Brick barge
- Brunette
- Burning Dump
- Caddo
- Cadet
- Capt Smitty
- Catamount
- Catherine Jackson
- Chaparra
- Charlemagne Tower
- Chauncy Jerome
- Chesapeake
- Choapa
- clam boat
- CM Dunlap
- Continent
- Cornelius Grinnell
- Cove
- crane barge
- Creole
- Daghestan
- Delaware
- drydock
- Dryland
- dump
- Duncan
- Elberon Rocks
- Emerald
- Eureka
- Farrel
- FF Clain
- Finance
- Firth
- Fort Victoria
- Gassoon
- German
- Gertrude
- GL78
- Glen II
- Glory
- Goulandris
- Granite
- Great Isaac
- Gulftrade (bow)
- Gulftrade (stern)
- Gypsy
- Hamilton
- Hankins (Big)
- Hankins (Offshore)
- Hankins 3
- Hargraves
- Harry Rush
- Harvey's
- Hebert
- Ida K
- Immaculata
- Irene/Truro
- Irma C
- Jack I
- Joan La Rie III
- Klondike Rocks
- Lana Carol
- Larsen
- Lavallette
- Leon Walter
- Lillian
- Lizzie D
- locomotives
- Logwood
- Long
- Macedonia
- Mahogany
- Malta
- Manasquan
- Manasquan River Inlet
- Manasquan RR Bridge
- Manasquan Wreck
- Marion
- Maurice Tracy
- Mediator
- Meta
- Middle
- Minturn
- Mohawk
- Mohawk
- Mud Dump
- Mud Hole
- Mud Hole
- Nautilus
- Navesink River
- NE Sailor
- New Deal
- New Era
- NW Barges
- Offshore Tug
- Olsen
- Park City
- Peerless
- Perkins
- Persephone
- Phinney
- Pier Rubble
- Pinta
- Pliny
- Plymouth
- Pocopson
- Ramos
- Ranger
- Raritan Bay
- Reliable
- Relief
- Remedios Pascual
- Rickseckers
- Ridge
- Riggy
- Rjukan
- Rockaway Belle
- Roy's
- RP Resor
- Rudder (Pocono)
- Rump
- Rusland / Adonis
- Ruth Shaw
- S
- San Saba
- Sandy Hook
- Sandy Hook
- SC-60
- Sea Girt
- Sea Girt Inlet
- Sea Girt Wreck
- Sea Hag
- Seaside Crane
- Shark River
- Shark River Bay
- Shark River Inlet
- Shipping Lanes
- Shipping Lanes
- Shipping Lanes
- Shrewsbury Rocks
- Simala
- SL Sailor
- Steel
- Stolt Dagali
- Sumner
- SW Mohawk
- Sylvanus
- Tampa III
- Thurmond
- Tolten
- Train Wheel
- Troop
- Turner
- u1
- u10
- u12
- u13
- u14
- u2
- u3
- u4
- u5
- u6
- u7
- u8
- u9
- Vega
- Vivian
- Vizcaya
- Western World
- Winslow
- Winslow
- Yankee (G+D)
- Yellow Flag
- ZPG-3W
More: Manasquan Dive Sites Chart ...

In January 1999, four clam boats were lost in separate incidents in the span of less than three weeks. First, on January 6, the Beth Dee Bob sank in rough weather with all hands. Two days later, the Cape Fear sank under similar circumstances. On January 18, the Adriatic went down with all hands, one day after the Ellie B ran up on the rocks at Manasquan Inlet. In total, 10 lives were lost, sparking a major Coast Guard investigation into safety practices on commercial fishing vessels.
- Coast Guard Report
More: Lost At Sea ...

The Manasquan River is overall not as nice a place to dive as the Shark River. The currents are stronger, the water never seems as clean, and the bottom is silty wherever it is not covered with mussels. The inlet jetties can be downright dangerous, and the boat traffic in the channel there is often very heavy. Off the north jetty is the so-called "Manasquan Wreck", but this is a long swim from shore and probably best approached with a boat.
More: Manasquan River ...
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