RJ Walker / $25 Wreck (1/2)

- Type:
- shipwreck, side-wheel steamer USA
- Built:
- Nov 27, 1847
- Specs:
- ( 133 x 31 ft ) tons
- Sunk:
- June 21, 1860
collision with schooner Fanny - Depth:
- 85 ft
This site was found in the 1970s by a commercial fisherman. The numbers were sold for $25, hence the name. Originally an armed Revenue Cutter like the RC Mohawk, the Walker was found to be less than satisfactory - the early steam propulsion systems were troublesome and inefficient. Eventually, the vessel was transferred from the Revenue Service to the Coast Survey Service, where it proved to be a vast improvement over the sail-powered vessels of the era for this sort of work. Being self-propelled, the Walker could simply motor up to the survey site and easily stay on station, not subject to the vagaries of the wind. The wreck was positively identified in 2013.

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