
shipwreck, iron-hulled screw steamer
1878, Scotland, as Clan Ranald
( 305 x 34 ft ) 2008 gross tons
Tuesday June 4, 1901
foundered when cargo of asphalt melted and shifted - no casualties
40 ft

on port side, pointing south
generally poor visibility, mud bottom
aka "Reynolds"

Shipwreck Ranald NYT

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by Paul Humann

I am confounded by the illogic of many of those who try to defend the buddy system, even the spokesperson for a training agency such as PADI - the same folks who preached the dangers of dive computers and Nitrox a few years back. Here is some of the nonsense I've heard and why it is just that:

The buddy system makes diving more fun and practical

Of course, neither has anything to do with the buddy system. Fun is touted as sharing the dive and the after-dive experience with your buddy. Practicality means helping your buddy lug around equipment, get suited up, and other niceties. These benefits can be enjoyed with any dive companion without that person being a "buddy" for whose safety you are legally responsible.

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