John Marvin

Shipwreck John Marvin
shipwreck, clam dredge, USA
1951, RTC Shipbuilding, Camden NJ, USA, as Maidstone
( 120 ft ) 227 gross tons, 5 crew
Thursday January 16, 1992; winter storm - no casualties
70 ft

The John Marvin sank in the same storm as the Valerie E off Long Island. The storm was a surprise "Nor'easter" ( as the TV weathermen are so fond of calling everything nowadays ) that dumped a pile of snow on the region, caused considerable flooding, and quickly raised ten-foot-plus seas, catching the fishing fleet off-guard and scrambling for safe harbors. Not all of them made it.

The Coast Guard got the John Marvin's entire crew off safely just minutes before the vessel went down. With no casualties, no search, and no mystery, the incident scarcely even made the news - merely a footnote in a report on the Valerie E; and the vessel not even named, in the Asbury Park Press.

Shipwreck John Marvin
Shipwreck John Marvin
Close-up of the wheelhouse
Shipwreck John Marvin
Shipwreck John Marvin
Shipwreck John Marvin

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Here are a series of excellent articles regarding the buddy system, reproduced from their original sources before they "wink out", as so much good web content does. With regard to the Buddy System that is so entrenched in dive training, these articles are all negative. I feel no need to present counter-balancing positive arguments since you can get that from any dive instructor with any of the major certifying organizations.

When you first get certified, you will have had the buddy system drilled into you. At this point, you still have basically no idea what you are doing, so just do it that way. A lot of what is in the basic open-water certification is silly and even unnecessary, but it won't get you killed.

As a newly-certified diver, you are a danger to yourself and everyone around you. Be glad that any operator will take you out, and don't rock the boat. If they want you to dive with a buddy, dive with a buddy. As crew, I've spent numerous dives paired up with newbies to make sure they have a good time and get back to the boat OK. Shallow-water shore diving can get very tricky, and things can go very wrong, and if you are not experienced, having a buddy can be a lifesaver.

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