
- Type:
- shipwreck, freighter, England
- Built:
- 1906, England
- Specs:
- ( 340 x 47 ft ) 3875 gross tons, 31 crew
- Sunk:
- Monday August 12, 1918
torpedoed by U-117 - no casualties - Depth:
- 180 ft
SS Sommerstad, built by R. Stephenson & Co Ltd, Newcastle in 1906 and owned at the time of her loss by Klaveness Dampskibsselsk. A/S (A. F. Klaveness & Co.), Sandefjord, was a Norwegian steamer of 3875 tons.
On August 12th, 1918, Sommerstad, on a voyage from Bergen to New York in ballast, was sunk by the German submarine U-117 (Otto Dröscher), 30 miles southeast of the Fire Island lightship, New York.

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