Delaware #09 Artificial Reef

Delaware #9 Artificial Reef

Depth: 50-60 ft

Delaware #09 Artificial Reef

Nothing really of interest in this reef - just a lot of concrete and tire units that have been sinking down into the mud for over twenty years. But someday ...

rock reef
A hopper barge full of rock

All manner of concrete, steel, and stone rubble from dredging, demolition projects, and other construction is used as artificial reef materials. This material is generally available at very low cost or free from construction companies who are more than happy to get rid of it. Transportation costs determine where this material is used by the Reef Program.

dive tool

You should always bring along spare parts and some basic tools on every diving excursion. Dive shops all sell Save-a-Dive kits that are a good start on this. Here is a list of some things you might want to carry in your spares kit:

  • o-rings for your tank valves and regs, and anything else that uses them
  • wire ties, large and small, lots of 'em
  • spare straps & buckles for mask, fins, snorkel, and knife
  • spare regulator mouthpiece & wire tie
  • a few feet of wreck reel line and surgical tubing
  • duct tape ( squeeze a small roll flat to save space )
  • silicone grease or O2 lube
  • extra batteries and bulbs for all your lights, computers, and camera
  • spare lanyards and brass snaps
  • stainless steel dive tool with wrenches, allens, and screw drivers ( pictured above )
  • stainless steel folding multi-tool with pliers, blades, and wire cutter
  • glues and sealants - neoprene cement, AquaSeal, Crazy Glue
  • bicycle tire patch kit - for small suit repairs
  • soap, powder and wax for drysuit if necessary
  • extra cam band - plastic buckles can break, especially in the cold
  • extra car keys, cash, spare change, C-card, etc

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