Snapping Turtle

Snapping Turtle

Chelydra serpentina

Size: to 15" (body)

Habitat: hides on the bottom in any type of water

Notes: Generally docile and easily approached in the water, but should be treated with respect for its powerful bite. This turtle can easily amputate a finger or toe and becomes pugnacious when landed. If you have the patience, try to see how long this turtle can go between breaths. A lot longer than you or me, that's for sure.

Snapping Turtle
In the water, these turtles are inoffensive, but don't tempt fate!
Snapping Turtle

On land is a different story. I pulled over and used a stick to push this nasty little guy off the highway. He was not the least bit appreciative, and snapped at me repeatedly - the long neck gives this turtle a very quick snake-like motion. Spring seems to be the season for Snapping Turtle wanderlust, and they turn up in the darndest places.


Hippocampus erectus

Size: to 6"

Habitat: Weedy protected shore waters.


Look for Seahorses in still weedy areas, where they cling to plants and objects with their prehensile tails. Color and body form are highly variable, as these masters of camouflage adapt to their surroundings. Strays may be found at sea, or even washed up on the beach.

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