
Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae
Microscopic Filamentous Green Algae ( plankton and attached )
Microscopic planktonic colonial green algae
Microscopic planktonic colonial green algae
Microscopic Desmids
Microscopic Desmids ( plankton, freshwater )

A garden of green and brown algae grows on a shallow rock. Enteromorpha (Hollow Green Weed) and Fucus (Rockweed)

In our waters, plants and algae are found only in shallow water where sufficient light can penetrate for photosynthesis. It would be unusual to find algae below 10-20 ft, so our wrecks and reefs, despite the profusion of attached organisms, are actually devoid of plant life! Of course, that is completely neglecting the microscopic algal plankton that is so profuse in our waters and so lacking in the clear water of the tropics.

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