Water Composition (4/5)

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Plankton & Visibility

Thermal stratification has a pronounced effect on the growth of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are single-celled algae suspended in the water column. Phytoplankton require chemical nutrients, primarily invisible phosphates and nitrates, dissolved at fairly low levels in the water, as well as oxygen. Phytoplankton also requires sufficient light for photosynthesis in order to grow. This restricts its growing zone to the upper layers of the water column, known as the photic zone. While it does not immediately die in the darker deep waters, phytoplankton cannot grow there. Phytoplankton are fed upon by zooplankton ( microscopic animals ) thus forming the first two levels in the food pyramid of the sea. Although almost all of these organisms are too small to see with the naked eye, all together they can have a great effect on water clarity, or what we divers call visibility.

Nutrient dispersal in the water column
algae bloom

In the winter, surface and deep waters are well mixed, such that sufficient nutrients are found at all levels, including the surface waters that receive enough light for phytoplankton to grow. The amount of plankton that grows in the winter is limited by the cold temperatures and the relatively poor winter illumination. As the days lengthen into spring, phytoplankton make use of the increased light and high nutrient levels, resulting in an "algae bloom." the zooplankton lag behind the phytoplankton in numbers, but eventually they catch up and the "bloom" is consumed.

With the formation of the summer thermocline, the surface waters are separated from the bottom waters, making the nutrients there unavailable to the phytoplankton, which soon exhaust what nutrients are available to them in the lighted upper waters. At this point, numbers of both phytoplankton and zooplankton drop. For us, the water clears up. This situation is maintained until the thermocline breaks down in the fall, allowing the untapped nutrients from the deep waters to mix up into the photic zone again, and generally resulting in another algae bloom, although not as great as in the spring. As with stratification, these same algae cycles also occur in many freshwater bodies as well.

Distribution of chlorophyll: greener = more chlorophyll = more phytoplankton
Examples of microscopic phytoplankton ( algae, marine & freshwater )
Examples of microscopic zooplankton ( marine & freshwater )

While almost all phytoplankton is microscopic, not all zooplankton is so small - some jellyfishes are up to 8 feet across! Many planktonic crustaceans, worms, fish larvae, and other creatures are visible to the naked eye, if you are looking.

Marine Snow


Another factor that affects water clarity and visibility is "marine snow." Marine snow is composed of microscopic bits of non-living matter - soot, dust, sand, dead plankton, fecal particles, etc - that is held together by sticky bacterial waste products and slowly sinks down in the water column.

Marine snow is extremely fragile, and at night the swimming actions of feeding zooplankton breaks it up. However, during the day it may aggregate into visible clumps or strings, what we divers refer to as "Egg Drop Soup." Marine snow was actually discovered by scuba divers, since it is so difficult to collect by the usual means of plankton sampling because it is so fragile.

Sea Foam

sea foam

When it looks as if the beach or surf is littered with billows of soapsuds, the reason is not that someone has dumped a carload of detergent into the ocean. This common sight of spring and summer ( and occasionally, brief periods in fall and winter ) results from the prolific reproduction of "phytoplankton." Each microscopic individual is housed in a skeleton made of calcium or silica. Conditions of sun, temperature, and nutrients stimulate rapid growth and reproduction. When the cycle has run its course, billions of individuals die.

Sea foam is created when waves or strong winds inject air into the dissolved organic matter in ocean water, forming bubbles. The organic matter, mostly made of dead phytoplankton, contains protein that gives the saltwater enough surface tension to form bubbles. Surf and winds cause the mass to pile up in the familiar, suds-like masses. Windrows of phytoplankton remains show that the sea off our coast is producing tons of food for other creatures in the food web.

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Here are some dimensions and specifications for scuba cylinders. This is by no means an exhaustive list. These numbers should be taken as approximate since equivalent tanks from different manufacturers will differ slightly. The two most common models - the Catalina aluminum 80 and Luxfer aluminum 80 - are highlighted, along with my favorite, the OMS LP steel 85.

  • Weight, full - this is what you will have to be able to lift, in and out of your car, around the dock, and up the boat ladder with all your other gear. Times two for doubles.
  • Weight, empty - this is pretty much irrelevant
  • Buoyancy, empty - this is what you need to weight yourself for, so that you can do a safe free stop at 20 feet at the end of your dive
  • Buoyancy, full - this is what your BC needs to be able to support when you jump in the water, otherwise you are a "dirt dart" heading straight for the bottom and disaster

Printed from njscuba.net