Channeled Whelk

Channeled Whelk

Busycon canaliculatum

Size: to 8"

Habitat: intertidal down to 60 ft

Whelks are the largest snails in this area. Related Lightning Whelk grows to 16", and is sometimes called Conch and eaten as such. Whelks prey on bivalves by drilling through their shells.

Channeled Whelk
A large ( and filthy ) whelk feeding on something. The head end is to the left.
Channeled Whelk
Upended and fully withdrawn, showing the operculum which closes off the shell. This individual was about the size of your hand. Note the curious puffer fish at upper-right.
Waved Whelk
The somewhat smaller Waved Whelk Buccinum undatum is a scavenger

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