Blood Worm

Blood Worm

Glycera spp
Nereis spp.(shown)

Size: to 15", generally much smaller

Worms like this can be found anywhere from tidal flats to deep depths, burrowed in the sediment or hiding in crevices.

These segmented worms have four sharp teeth and can give you a good bite if you're not careful. They can also swim, although not very well. The "legs" are called parapodia and are actually gills. The best place to see a blood worm is at the bait shop. Also known as Clam Worms.

Blood Worm
Head and jaws ( extended )


We seldom consider the water we dive in, yet it is a fascinating subject in its own right.

Basic Chemistry

Water is an odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid that is colorless in small amounts but exhibits a bluish tinge in large quantities. It is the most familiar and abundant liquid on earth. In solid form ( ice ) and liquid form it covers about 70% of the earth's surface. It is present in varying amounts in the atmosphere. Most of the living tissue of a human being is made up of water; it constitutes about 92% of blood plasma, about 80% of muscle tissue, about 60% of red blood cells, and over half of most other tissues. It is also an important component of the tissues of most other living things.

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