
Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Sea Wasp

Although superficially similar to jellyfishes, hydromedusae are more closely related to sessile hydroids. They are much firmer and sturdier in body than jellyfishes. Most are small ( less than 1 inch in diameter ) and do not sting. Others, such as the large and very dangerous Sea Wasp ( 9", right ) do.

White Cross Hydromedusa
White Cross Hydromedusa - Staurophora mertensi

The White Cross Hydromedusa is found along the coast from the Arctic to Rhode Island. At night it rises to just below the surface. It feeds on other medusae and crustaceans. In the northern part of its range, it is seen from spring through late summer. In the southern range, it is normally found from spring to early summer. It can reach 12" wide and 2" high and is not dangerous to humans.

Many-ribbed Hydromedusa
Many-ribbed Hydromedusa of the Aequorea species

The "many-ribbed" genus of hydromedusae are similar in appearance to clear jellyfishes, but lack obvious tentacles and do not sting when touched. These are among the largest hydromedusae known, up to 12" across, and the identity of their corresponding polyp stage is still a mystery. Hydromedusae are mostly water, and when they dry up they lose half of their diameter and almost all of their thickness, becoming sand dollar-sized thin, brittle discs.

Beached hydromedusae
Beached hydromedusae. By the time they get here, the surf has stripped away all the tentacles, leaving just a harmless dying blob of goo.
Herb Segars Photography

lift bag
lift bag

Lift bags are commonly used for recovering heavy objects from the bottom. The bag is simply tied on, inflated from a regulator, and shot to the surface. An often-overlooked use for a lift bag is to get yourself to the surface in a safe manner when you have become lost and can't find the anchor, or if the anchor has pulled out of the wreck. Using your reel as described above, you can shoot a bag directly to the surface and then ascend on the line.

However, under such circumstances, I prefer to get myself off the bottom and up to my decompression or safety stop depth as quickly as possible, and then deploy a bag to the surface using a short length of line attached to the bag for just that purpose. Either way, the bag marks your position for the crew of the dive boat. You should write your name in bold letters on your bag, so you can be identified before you surface. The bag will also keep you from being sucked down to the bottom if there is a strong current. Most lift bags have open bottoms. A bag like this can hit the surface, tip over, and deflate. For self-rescue, as described, you should use a bag with a self-closing bottom.

Printed from njscuba.net