

Lamna nasus

to 12 ft

open ocean



Right: Porbeagle steaks

Porbeagles are fast-swimming active sharks. They are warm-blooded like their bigger cousins Great Whites and Makos. This makes them more tolerant of cold water than many other types. They are sought by fishermen both for sport and for food. The white patch at the base of the dorsal fin is unique to this shark.

Note the stout, stocky body form of this boated Porbeagle. With the tail folded over, it looks almost like a porpoise.
A rather fanciful illustration of a Porbeagle from Edward Donovan's Natural History of British Fishes 1802-1808.

Aquarium Filter

The main purpose of a filter is to circulate the water. This leads to better aeration and higher oxygen levels for both the fish and the critical bacteria which decompose the fish wastes. The more obvious aesthetic effect of filtration is the mechanical removal of particles in the water, but this is of much less importance. Since most aquaria are stocked far more heavily than natural conditions, constant effective filtration and circulation are essential. On large tanks ( 55 gallons or more ), consider using two smaller filters in place of one large one, and place them at opposite ends of the tank for maximum circulatory effect.

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