

Leiostomus xanthurus

to 14"
seldom that big

Shallow coastal waters, bays, estuaries.

These diminutive drums form an important fishery, both commercial and recreational.

Spot migrate seasonally, entering bays and estuaries in the spring where they remain until late summer or fall when they move offshore to spawn. When mature, spot are between 2-3 years of age and 7-8 inches long.

Spawning takes place in the ocean from fall to early spring, and the post-larva move into estuaries, utilizing low salinity tidal creeks where they develop into juveniles. As they grow, they move toward higher salinity areas during the summer and early fall and offshore in the fall as water temperatures decrease. Those that summered in the northern portion of their range also move south in autumn.

Spot prey on bivalves and tube-building polychaetes, often nipping bivalve siphons and polychaete tails. Additionally, adult spot feed on small crustaceans, small fish, and plant material. They eat by grabbing a mouthful of sediment, chewing, and then spitting out unwanted matter.


Red Drum is similar and related, but typically much larger.

Red Drum
Red Drum - Sciaenops ocellatus - to 58" & 92 lbs

shipwreck, barge
95 ft

This wreck seems to be one or more wooden barges, possibly garbage barges from the 1920s. There is an anchor in one spot near a machinery pile, and in other spots, the old walls rise perhaps 10 ft off the bottom. But otherwise, everything is pretty broken down. This forms many hiding holes for lobster and rock crabs, and there is one in almost every hole, and some quite large. The Sea Bass are also good-sized. Yellowish natural sponges and bottles are easy to find.

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