Links & Stuff
Web Publishing Tools:
- WordPress - web publishing (free)
- Dell Computers
- Microsoft Windows - finally works right
- Android mobile devices
- Bluehost - excellent web hosting
- Apache2 - the world's most popular web server (free)
- Linux - the OS that powers 90% of the internet (free)
- PHP - server-side web programming (free)
- JavaScript - client-side web programming (free)
- EditPad Lite - powerful text editor (free)
- LibreOffice - better than Microsoft (free)
- IrfanView - image viewer/editor (Windows) (free)
- GIMP - image editor & image map editor (free)
- Filezilla - FTP file transfer (free)
- Opera - web browser (free)
- Firefox - web browser (free)
- Grammarly - web browser extension for spelling and grammar (free)
- Thunderbird - email client (free)

Rest in peace, little buddy.