Sea Girt Inlet

Sea Girt Inlet is reduced to an outflow pipe. The water it releases is often so contaminated with goose droppings that it causes beach closings for miles around.

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Lobster bib

This is what it's all about. Well, for some folks anyway. Yet, I have seen many beginners totally frustrated in their attempts to catch their first 'bug'. Perhaps these pointers will help:

Lobsters haven't evolved much in the last twenty years, but lobstering sure has. For one thing, bugs are a lot fewer and a lot smaller, unless you go way out deep. For another, the regulators took away our trophies with a maximum size limit, and they've also added seasonal closures. Not that I won't grab a nice bug if I can, but lobsters are not the same game they used to be, and not my motivation in diving.

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