China Wreck

shipwreck, sailing ship
( 140 ft ? )
45 ft

The "China Wreck" is the partial remains of an unidentified late 19th-century wooden sailing ship, with a cargo of china plates and cups, and miscellaneous articles. The wreck must be dived at slack tide, and even then conditions at the mouth of Delaware Bay tend to be muddy. The plates themselves date from about 1875, and are fairly ordinary and of little value except to divers who prize such artifacts; and despite years of plunder, there are still more to be found.

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There's no doubt about it, drysuits require a great deal more maintenance than wetsuits. However, much of it is well within the capabilities of a home handyman with readily available materials and tools. The following guide should give some idea of what is involved in owning a drysuit, although there is no need for you to do these things yourself if you don't want to!


The waterproof zipper of a drysuit is a really neat device. It is quite different from a normal clothing zipper, and exactly how it works is not obvious. Here are some close-ups of an old zipper that I cut up:

drysuit zipper

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