Lady Mary

- Type:
- shipwreck, scallop dredge, USA
- Built:
- 1969, Pascagoula MS USA
- Specs:
- ( 71 x 21 ft ) 125 gross tons, 7 crew
- Sunk:
- Tuesday March 24, 2009
foundered in storm - 1 survivor - GPS:
- 40°25.641' -73°51.135' (USCG 2004)
- Depth:
- 210 ft

The cause of the sinking was officially determined to be flooding of the lazarette - the small stern-most compartment that contains the steering gear. The likely true cause of the sinking is that the Lady Mary was run down by the inbound container ship Cap Beatrice, although this has never been proven. When the ship returned to U.S. waters two months later, no evidence of a collision could be found. Why the ship was not inspected when it arrived in Philadelphia the day after the loss of the Lady Mary, now there's a good question.

Images & descriptions are from the Coast Guard report on the sinking:
USCG report on the sinking (66Mb)
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