barges - Fire Island Artificial Reef

DS-24 is full of holes
artificial reef, barges
62 - 73 ft
Name Description Sunk GPS
110 ft steel Thursday
Sept 9, 1999
Air Force
110 ft steel Sunday
Oct 14, 2018
Dump Scow
100 ft steel Sunday
Oct 14, 2018
Piano Scow 30 ft steel Sunday
Oct 14, 2018
"Ocean Prince"
Drydock #4
200 ft steel
Nov 29, 1986
The Air Force scow is lowered into the water.
It has to be expensive to sink barges this way.
This 110 ft barge was sunk the old-fashioned way back in 1999.
The "Piano Scow" is very small and very full of holes
"Ocean Prince"

The "Ocean Prince" drydock (above) was sunk in 1986 and is well-attested. New York has photos of a clearly different drydock, which they place here, but I believe is actually at Shinnecock, and I have placed it there.

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Smooth Dogfish

Smooth Dogfish
Mustelus canis

to 4ft (male)
to 5 ft (female)

shallow coastal waters, in depths 30 ft and below.


Smooth Dogfish are tannish-gray, slate-gray, or brown above. The lower sides and belly are white, grayish-white, or yellow. A sooty spot is often found near the tip of the upper lobe of the caudal fin. The species is distributed from New Brunswick, Canada, to Uruguay, and inhabits the bottoms of estuaries and coastal waters out to a depth of about 650 feet. During the spring and summer, most of the sharks are found in waters less than 60 feet deep.

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