Steven McAllister

Well, it's that time of year again, time to renew the web hosting. And for those of you that don't know, that has become a lot more expensive than it used to be. Fifty dollars a year is now several hundred. Not to mention the price of domain names has gone up ten-fold.

And I just found out that the nice folks at PayPal disabled all my Support buttons, and I never got a notice (although that may be my fault.) In any case, it is all working again now, so if you would like to make a small donation to help defray these costs, it would be greatly appreciated.

Steven McAllister reef
artificial reef, tugboat, McAllister Towing, USA
1949 - Oyster Bay NY USA, as Paterson
( 95 x 25 ft )
Hudson River Fishermen's Association of New Jersey
Friday September 22, 2000 - Sea Girt Artificial Reef
40°06.883' -73°41.534'
125 ft
Steven McAllister reef
As Paterson - at some point the wheelhouse must have been cut down, and other modifications made.
Steven McAllister reef

Built in 1949, by Jakobson Shipyard of Oyster Bay, New York as the Paterson for the Erie Railroad Company of Jersey City, New Jersey. In 1960, the Erie Railroad Company became the Erie Lackawanna Railroad Company of Jersey City, New Jersey, where the tug retained her name. Later acquired by the McAllister Brothers Towing Company of New York, New York, where she was renamed Steven McAllister. She was a single screw tug, rated at 1,000 horsepower.

This tug now lies upright with a slight list to starboard on a hard sand bottom. The top of the wreck is at a depth of 90 ft while the main deck is at 110 ft. The engine was removed prior to sinking.

HRFA-NJ reef
Steven McAllister reef
Bill Figley - New Jersey Artificial Reef Coordinator

The old boat was sunk by opening the seacocks, which took much longer than anticipated - about 8 hours longer.

HRFA-NJ reef
The crew of the Mary L McAllister hosed water into the wreck for hours, trying to speed things up.
HRFA-NJ reef
Finally, moments before sinking, the Mary L unties and moves away.
HRFA-NJ reef
HRFA-NJ reef
HRFA-NJ reef

In the end, the "HRFA" sank so fast that I didn't even get a shot of it ! These were taken by Captain Steve Nagiewicz. It took less than a minute for the old tug to roll over and sink.

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beer can doubles
beer can doubles

Surprisingly, of all the devices that make up an underwater diving kit, the last to be developed was a suitable air reservoir. Demand air valves ( regulators to you and me, ) masks, fins, snorkels, weights, even drysuits may be found in the historical record up to several hundred years ago, but because of material and manufacturing requirements, the high-capacity high-pressure portable air cylinder is a relatively recent development. ( Jacques Cousteau often gets credit for something he did not invent - the demand-valve regulator predates him considerably, although he did much to perfect its application to diving. )

2016 Update

Litigation has caused manufacturers to leave the market, and be replaced by others, who then left, and then others come back. From year to year, there's no telling what brand of tanks may be available, but the specs and recommendations below should apply to any.

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