Marine Life Colonization of Experimental Reef Habitat (5/5)


Table 1Mean dimensions of 10 experimental reef habitats, 1998-2001
Table 2Mean abundance and biomass per m2 of species colonizing experimental reef habitats after 24-96 months on the sea floor
Table 3The relative mean abundance of individual organisms by taxa per m2 footprint of experimental reef habitat during 1998-2004
Table 4A comparison of sessile epifaunal colonization of four common reef-building materials - concrete, rock, rubber and steel - for sampling years 1998-200
Table 5Statistical analysis to identify significant differences in epifaunal standing stock biomass on four reef substrates
Table 6Statistical comparison of standing stock biomass of two species, Balanus spp. and bryozoa, that exhibited significant differences in colonization of four reef substrates
Table 7A comparison of sessile epifaunal colonization of four common reef-building materials - rubber, steel, concrete and rock - located inside and outside of a 2.5cm mesh cage, 1998-2004
Table 8A summary of reported standing stock biomass (g/m2 wet weight) values (rounded) for the benthic infauna and epifauna on sand sediments of the New York Bight


Figure 1Experimental reef habitat
Figure 2An experimental reef habitat ready for deployment
Figure 3Top view of experimental reef habitat unit
Figure 4Location of reef structures around experimental reef habitats
Figure 5Thirty experimental habitats en route to the Barnegat Light Reef study site
Figure 6Divers sent the encapsulated habitats to the surface using an air lift bag
Figure 7Divers encapsulated the experimental reef habitat units inside a plastic drum, trapping most marine life inside
Figure 8Retrieving an experimental reef habitat unit encapsulated in a plastic drum
Figure 9The experimental habitat units were placed in a plastic collection pool before being dismantled
Figure 10The wire mesh cage is cut open to access experimental substrates
Figure 11The opened habitat unit showing whelk shells and corrugated panels
Figure 12The opened habitat showing upper chamber
Figure 13Marine life growth on whelk shell
Figure 14Marine life growth on concrete colonization plates located outside mesh (top) and inside mesh
Figure 15Marine life growth on rock colonization plates located outside mesh (top) and inside mesh
Figure 16Marine life growth on rubber colonization plates located outside mesh (top) and inside mesh
Figure 17Total number of taxa inhabiting experimental reef habitats analyzed during 1998 through 2004
Figure 18Total number of taxa identified at least to generic level inhabiting experimental reef habitats for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 19Total number of taxa identified to specific level inhabiting experimental reef for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 20Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of all marine life taxa colonizing experimental reef habitats by phyla, 1998-2004
Figure 21Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of molluscan species inhabiting experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 22Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of arthropod species inhabiting experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 23Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of juvenile or small fish species inhabiting experimental reef habitat units, 1998-2004
Figure 24Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of all taxa on experimental reef habitats over time, 1998-2004
Figure 25Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of all organisms colonizing experimental reef habitats by organism type and sampling year, 1998-2004
Figure 26Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of mollusca on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 27Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of arthropoda on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 28Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of annelida on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 29Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of nemata on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 30Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of echinodermata on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 31Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of chordata on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 32Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of porifera on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 33Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of ectoprocta on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 34Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of cnidaria on experimental reef habitats, 1998-2004
Figure 35Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of all attached epibenthic invertebrates inhabiting colonization plates for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 36Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of individual and colonial attached epifauna on colonization plates by plate material for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 37Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of attached epibenthic invertebrates inhabiting colonization plates for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 38Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of individual and colonial attached epifauna on colonization plates by sampling year, 1998-2004
Figure 39Mean standing stock biomass (g/m2) of individual and colonial attached epifauna on colonization plates by plate location for sampling years 1998-2004
Figure 40Approximate reef habitat food chain relationships between fish, mobile invertebrates and sessile/sedentary invertebrates in terms of biomass 1998-200


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Marine life colonization of experimental reef habitat
in temperate ocean waters off New Jersey, 1996-2004

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Fish and Wildlife
Bureau of Marine Fisheries

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SS Mohawk postcard
A postcard of the Mohawk, a typical 1930s passenger liner

A liner is a vessel designed primarily to carry passengers on a set schedule. There was a time when ocean liners were more than the mere pleasure cruisers of today. Before the advent of modern air travel, ships were the primary means of transport for those needing to cross the oceans. Untold numbers of immigrants came to this country in passenger liners, most in steerage class, a far cry from the modern floating pleasure palaces.

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