Water Bugs

These are all known as "true bugs", as opposed to beetles, flies, ants, etc. Both the larval and adult stages are aquatic, although only the adult stages are shown here. All may be found swimming or clinging to underwater plants and must surface to breathe. All are also strong fliers that are attracted to lights at night and have a painful and poisonous bite. Giant Water Bugs are known to feed on small fishes.

Water Boatman

Water Boatman
Arctocorixia interrupta
to 1"

extremely common

Water Strider

Water Strider
Gerris marginatus
to 1"

Skims along on surface of water. Flies well, but does not dive.

Water Scorpion

Water Scorpion
Ranatra fusca
to 2.5"

Not a true scorpion, but has a very painful bite.

Giant Water Bug

Giant Water Bug
Lethocerus americanus
to 3"


Lethocerus americanus
to 1/2"

Shipwreck Pocono
Side-scan sonar image, with the shadow of the rudder plainly evident at the lower-right ( north end of the wreck. )
shipwreck, schooner barge
1905, Newburgh NY (TS Marvel)
( 156 ft ) 698 tons
Monday March 31, 1924
foundered in storm
60 ft

Printed from njscuba.net