Little Skate

Little Skate

Raja erinacea

Size: to 21" long

Habitat: Soft sandy bottoms, in depths from shallows to 300 ft.

The commonest inshore skate. Short tail with two fins but no stinger. Winter Skate similar but larger, to 3 ft.

Little Skate
Fleeing a photographer.
Little Skate
Little Skate

Compare head and body shape with flounders.

Herb Segars Photography

John Chatterton and the Horenberg knife
John Chatterton and the Horenberg
knife, the most tangible clue to the
identity of New Jersey's mystery U-boat.

In 1991, while checking out an obscure site known for hanging up fishing lines, I dropped down the anchor line only to find a virgin German U-boat. A wreck diver's fantasy of discovering a new shipwreck somehow had become a reality, and it was every bit as good as could be imagined. While reveling in the experience, I wondered if I would have enough skill and luck to ever make it happen again. Several discoveries later, the challenge is still irresistible.

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