The Silent World

I love the part where they dynamite the coral reef to get the boat through. For science! They also run over a baby whale, and kill the poor thing. At least they didn't fondue it. I have so say though, science was manlier in those days, and scientists weren't afraid to wear short-shorts.

What a blast from the past! I remember when I was a kid, the whole family would watch Cousteau's semi-annual specials on TV. Back then, they only showed things once, and if you missed it, you missed it! Not like today, kids will probably never understand how a TV show could be special. And I don't remember them killing any whales, honestly it was a little shocking to re-watch it now, after all the years.

Calypso in 1980
Calypso was BYMS-26, a Royal Navy minesweeper built in Oregon, 1942


Lota lota

to 15" avg.,
sometimes much larger

The Burbot is the only freshwater representative of the Cod family. Although native to the Great Lakes, and Midwest, they have been widely introduced for fishermen. Adults prefer deep cold water but spawn under ice in the shallows.

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