What I said I wasn't going to do

I have restored the links in the dive sites charts. A lot of dog-work, but it's a lousy day outside, so why not? A while ago I worked out a way of doing it that WordPress won't eat, and did the Artificial Reefs. The clickable charts were always my favorite part of the site, and I really wasn't happy to give them up, although overall, the transition to WordPress was worth it. Now they are back, and better than before.

WordPress sites are all rather blah, in my opinion, like they were all designed by the same 8-year-old. It doesn't matter what theme you choose, they all look blocky and bland. My goal in WordPress was always to recreate the old html site. I think this is the last piece.


Astroscopus guttatus

to 22" and 20 lbs.

Don't expect to see these fishes very often - they live buried in the sand, with just their eyes protruding. The eyes are directly atop the flat head, and the mouth is almost vertical. Of course, they are ambush predators. If you flush one from its hiding place, it will clumsily swim a short distance, and then rebury itself in just seconds. Stargazers are capable of producing weak electric currents from organs located behind the eyes. I doubt that it is enough to be dangerous to a diver, although it might be startling! Midshipmen are similar but smaller, with a continuous dorsal fin and luminescent spots instead of electrical organs.

Printed from njscuba.net