

Bryozoans are colonial animals of uncertain evolutionary descent. They may be related to freshwater rotifers. Bryozoans are found in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones, attached to a firm substrate, and also in brackish water. Individual animals are too small to see with the naked eye.

Bryozoan growth forms range from encrusting, forming coatings on hard surfaces, to bushy. An entire colony may bear a superficial resemblance to a hydroid colony, although bryozoans are internally more advanced than cnidarians. Bryozoan colonies grow to 3", and are occasionally larger.

Bryozoan anatomy
Note separate mouth and anus, unlike hydroid
Spiral Tufted Byozoans
Spiral Tufted Byozoans Amanthia spp

Shinnecock Inlet

The Shinnecock Inlet is located in the Hampton Bays on Long Island. The inlet is one of the only major inlets on the south shore and sees a great deal of boat traffic during the summer months. With that in mind, this inlet also sees a great deal of diver traffic as well.

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