

Bryozoans are colonial animals of uncertain evolutionary descent. They may be related to freshwater rotifers. Bryozoans are found in the lower intertidal to subtidal zones, attached to a firm substrate, and also in brackish water. Individual animals are too small to see with the naked eye.

Bryozoan growth forms range from encrusting, forming coatings on hard surfaces, to bushy. An entire colony may bear a superficial resemblance to a hydroid colony, although bryozoans are internally more advanced than cnidarians. Bryozoan colonies grow to 3", and are occasionally larger.

Bryozoan anatomy
Note separate mouth and anus, unlike hydroid
Spiral Tufted Byozoans
Spiral Tufted Byozoans Amanthia spp

Sand Tiger Shark

Carcharias taurus

to 11 ft

coastal waters

if provoked, usually unaggressive

Sand Tiger sharks have a broad inshore distribution. In the Western Atlantic, this shark occurs from the Gulf of Maine to Florida, in the northern Gulf of Mexico, in the Bahamas, and in Bermuda. The sand tiger shark is one of at least four species belonging to the family Odontaspididae. Synonyms include Carcharias taurus, Eugomphodus taurus, and Carcharias arenarius.

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