Northern Sea Robin

Northern Sea Robin

Prionotus carolinus

to 16"

Sea Robins are distinguished by the three free rays of the pectoral fins, with which the fish can actually walk across the bottom. They make frog-like croaking sounds when disturbed. Sea Robins have razor-sharp gill covers and spines, and are best left alone - there's not much meat on them anyway.

Sea Robins are generally found inshore in harbors and inlets, in 30-40 foot depths, but move out to deep waters in winter.

Northern Sea Robin

Northern Sea Robin
The Sea Robin uses its "legs" to walk across the bottom and even turn over small stones.
Northern Sea Robin
Northern Sea Robin
Nose to nose with a baby Robin in an aquarium.
Northern Sea Robin
Divers can appreciate these extraordinary creatures, although fishermen revile them.
Herb Segars Photography


What do you get when you cross a pigeon with a duck?

Phalacrocorax auritus

This large ( 27", wingspan 50" ) seabird is more likely to be seen around backwaters than in the open ocean. Cormorants seem rather poorly adapted to their lifestyle - they barely float, and their feathers are not waterproof like other waterfowl. As a result, they can often be seen standing on rocks and pilings or in trees in just this pose, sunning themselves to warm up and dry out after diving for fish. Despite this apparent disadvantage, they are quite successful and even manage to over-winter in the area. Cormorants are amazing swimmers and divers, able to catch fish underwater in their own environment.

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