Haddock & Pollock

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These two codfishes have similar-sounding names, looks, and habits. Both are much more likely to be found schooling in open water around the upper reaches of offshore wrecks and reefs than other bottom-hugging cod types.

Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus has a black shoulder spot and a high triangular dorsal fin, while Pollock Pollachius virens has more rounded fins and no spot. Pollock is the larger of the two, growing up to 70 lbs, although typically to 3 ft and 15 lbs, while Haddock is more typically 2 ft and 5-10 lbs. Both are good eating, although Haddock is considered the better of the two.

Schooling Pollock
Schooling Pollock


Digital camera technology is progressing at a phenomenal rate. Much like computers, prices steadily fall, while features and performance improve. When setting up an underwater digital photography system, first make sure you have the very best and latest top-of-the-line digital camera available. Don't buy a housing for a camera that is already old, or you will find yourself stuck with an expensive combination that is already obsolete, or very soon will be. Get a new camera first, then get a housing for it.

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