DPlan - Ascent / Descent Rates

You may specify Ascent and Descent Rates for both deep and shallow segments of a dive, along with a "split" depth in feet. Rates may be set between 10 and 100 feet per minute; no negative numbers. Un-checking the boxes disables Ascent / Descent modeling. This is not a good idea but is sometimes useful for comparing with old square-profile schedules and softwares. By default, only the first big descent is shown in the profile, the rest are suppressed from the display. If you want to see everything, check 'show'.

Beneath the Waves

Stolt Dagali
Diver Roy Sorenson swims over the wreck Stolt Dagali

By Steve Nagiewicz & Herb Segars
Photography by Herb Segars

We have all watched television and marveled at the presentations of renowned underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, or the movie fiction of Peter Benchley's "Jaws" or "The Deep." they have given us a glimpse into the strange underwater world that few of us get to explore. Yet how many of us have sat along the water's edge and wondered what mysteries must lie beneath the waves?

Printed from njscuba.net